News & Events

SECANT’s presence in RISE-SD Conference, 29/5-31/5/2023, Rhodes, Greece


The “Research and Innovation Symposium for European Security and Defense”  RISE-SD 2023 is a European Research and Innovation event in the field of Disaster and Crisis Management, Critical Infrastructure Protection, Fight Crime and Terrorism, Cybersecurity, Border Security and Defense. The event aiming to bring together the European R&D communities in Civil Security & Defense took place in Rhodes, Greece on 29-31 May 2023 and hosted more than 250 attendees.

SECANT project as one of the 37 co-organising EU projects had a three-day dedicated booth, visited by lots of conference attendees, who were intrigued to learn more details about the project. There, our partners from CERTH and DNSC demonstrated the functionalities of the SECANT tools. More specifically, participants had the opportunity to watch a live demonstration of the Threat Intelligence Module component of SECANT.

Furthermore, during the second day of the conference the project was presented by our Scientific and Technical Manager, CERTH, to a wide audience of participants, giving them the opportunity to familiarise themselves with its main objectives, aims and goals, as well as to ask any questions and further discuss the outcomes so far. 


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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020
Research and Innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101019645.


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