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Ensuring a Secure Future: Comprehensive Insights into 6G IoT Security and Privacy
FULL WHITEPAPER: SecureCyber-Cluster-White-Paper (1)
This whitepaper, “Ensuring a Secure Future: Comprehensive Insights into 6G IoT Security and Privacy”, comprehensively analyses the security and privacy challenges associated with 6G-enabled Internet of Things (IoT) systems. As 6G technology evolves from previous generations, it promises unprecedented advancements in data transfer speeds, reduced latency, and widespread connectivity. These advancements will significantly impact the IoT ecosystem, which connects myriad devices and enables seamless data exchange. However, this increased connectivity also introduces new cybersecurity threats and privacy concerns.
The whitepaper considers the evolution of 6G IoT cybersecurity, exploring key challenges and potential solutions. It examines research projects, such as TRUST-AWARE, Arcadian-IoT, ELECTRON, IDUNN, ERATOSTHENES, SENTINEL, SECANT and SPATIAL, which address specific security and privacy issues in IoT applications, including smart homes, healthcare, and industrial and businesses environments. Additionally, it discusses the role of AI-empowered security techniques in enhancing real-time anomaly detection and response within 6G IoT networks.
This research focuses as well on analyzing advanced encryption mechanisms designed to secure wireless networks and infrastructures against post-quantum security risks, ensuring the safety and privacy of communication networks in an increasingly connected world.
The aim of this whitepaper is to guide stakeholders in understanding and addressing the complex security and privacy demands of the 6G IoT era, ensuring a secure and resilient connected world by providing insights into these critical areas.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020
Research and Innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101019645.

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