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SECANT Innovations: Use Case 1- Protecting the connected ambulance of the
SECANT (SECurity And privacy protectioN in Internet of Things devices) enhances digital security, privacy, and personal data protection within complex ICT infrastructures in healthcare sector. SECANT delivers a holistic framework for cybersecurity risk assessment, addresses both human and technical risk factors and bolsters the overall cybersecurity landscape.
The effectiveness and versatility of SECANT has been validated through in four realistic pilot use case within healthcare ecosystem:
- Protecting the Connected Ambulance of the Future
- Cybersecurity for connected Medical Devices & Mobile Applications
- Health Data Protection in The Healthcare Supply Chain
- Cybersecurity Training
In the first use case, SECANT focuses on improving transportation safety and ensuring error-free patient delivery through time-critical Emergency Medical Services (EMS). By managing secure access to data stored in external repositories, SECANT ensures the protection of both systems and patient data, even when these data repositories are outside the ambulance’s immediate environment.
Interference in communication channels between healthcare providers can lead to the loss or corruption of demographic and medical data, putting patient safety and health at risk. SECANT mitigates this risk by securing communication channels, thus ensuring continuous data exchange and maintaining the integrity of patient information.
SECANT introduces several key innovations that set it apart from existing solutions:
Extra Security Layer Beyond VPN: SECANT provides an additional security layer that protects connected services and devices, even when they are only accessible locally. This layer enhances the overall security infrastructure within healthcare environments.
CTI Sharing with External Stakeholders: SECANT supports Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) sharing with external stakeholders, advancing the industry’s ability to respond to cyber threats.
For the first use case, the added value of SECANT is particularly significant:
User-Friendly Interface that requires minimal training, enabling healthcare organizations to adopt the solution without significant effort.
Increased Trust Levels which foster confidence in the system’s ability to protect sensitive information and maintain data confidentiality.
Holistic IT Security Approach with a comprehensive platform that integrates information from various network levels into an intuitive, easy-to-use dashboard.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020
Research and Innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101019645.
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