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SECANT Innovations: Use Case 4 - Cyber Security Training

Press Release

SECANT (SECurity And privacy protectioN in Internet of Things devices) is an EU H2020 project, which enhances digital security, privacy, and personal data protection within complex ICT infrastructures in healthcare sector. SECANT delivers a holistic framework for cybersecurity risk assessment, addresses both human and technical risk factors and bolsters the overall cybersecurity landscape. The effectiveness and versatility of SECANT has been validated through in four realistic pilot use case within healthcare ecosystem, including “Cyber Security Training” which is the fourth Use Case.

SECANT provides a mobile application for cybersecurity training, which is tailored for healthcare professionals and is structured in a comprehensive and easy-to-use way. The mobile application can be easily updated with new training material and is compatible with several devices such as mobile phones and tablets. SECANT also offers a multimodal interactive training environment. The integration of the cyber range and chatbot into a cohesive platform, gives users a wide variety of training material to choose from. This training material utilises different means of knowledge delivery and addresses several degrees of expertise.

Additionally, the SECANT platform introduces an evaluation system for cyber security training courses. This feature assesses the effectiveness of the training process and gathers feedback from the participants. This enables the creation of a feedback loop that improves and refines the training programme, ensuring it remains relevant, engaging, and updated.

According to the project’s end-users, SECANT offers the following added value:

SECANT increases the effectiveness of cyber security training: The innovative features of the solution had a positive impact on the users which participated on the cyber security awareness raising training sessions.
SECANT offers an intuitive and comprehensive acquisition of new knowledge: This increases user engagement and can affect the number of stakeholders which re-use the platform.
SECANT is an affordable cyber security training solution: Due to the modular nature of the SECANT’s training components (which are composed by SEUA, Mobile application and Cyber range), there are several pricing options for the customers. This will result to a competitive solution in terms of pricing.

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020
Research and Innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101019645.


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