News & Events
SECANT Final Event: “Elevating Security and Privacy Protection in ΙοΤ devices: Healthcare on the spot”
In today’s increasingly interconnected world, the importance of cybersecurity in Internet of Things (IoT) devices cannot be overstated. As the potential impact of cybersecurity incidents reaches unprecedented levels, the need for strong security measures is more critical than ever. This is particularly true in healthcare, where IoT devices often handle sensitive patient information and support life-saving medical interventions. Therefore, robust cybersecurity solutions are essential to safeguard the privacy, integrity, and functionality of IoT devices.
We are pleased to invite you to the SECANT Final Event, which will take place online on September 20th, from 09:00 AM to 12:00 PM CET. This event will demonstrate the innovation advancements of the SECANT project, aimed at enhancing cybersecurity in the healthcare sector. Furthermore, it will also provide a platform for discussing about the challenges and opportunities within IoT and healthcare cybersecurity.
The event, titled “Elevating Security and Privacy Protection in ΙοΤ devices: Healthcare on the spot” will commence with an opening session, followed by a high-level presentation from the Project Coordinator and the Scientific and Technical Coordinator of SECANT. This will be followed by a keynote address by Juuso Stenfors, Program Manager at the European Commission. The next session: “Challenges and opportunities in IoT and Healthcare Cybersecurity and Data Privacy: Insights from R&D projects,” will feature insights from experts involved in European projects specialised in these areas.
Following this, the SECANT project will present its four Use Cases within the healthcare ecosystem: 1) Protecting the Connected Ambulance of the Future, 2) Cybersecurity for Connected Medical Devices & Mobile App, 3) Health Data Protection in Healthcare Supply Chain and 4) Cyber Security Training. Additionally, towards enhancing the dynamic nature of the event, apart from the speeches the event will include selected live demonstrations which will be presented to all attendees. The event will conclude with an open discussion, offering participants the opportunity to share their views and ask questions.
The event is addressed to cybersecurity and eHealth experts, the SECANT end-users, as well as industrial stakeholders.
Join the event on Teams. (Id. 398 174 613 023; Code: 5d3mVY)
Draft Agenda
09:00 – 09:10 Opening and Welcome
Christiana Kyperounta, Dissemination Manager, (8BELLS)
09:10 – 09:25 SECANT Vision – A high level overview
Anaël Le Bihan, Project Coordinator (NTTDATA)
Arnolnt Spyros, Scientific and Technical Coordinator (CERTH)
09:25-09:35 Keynote Speech
Juuso Stenfors, Program Manager, European Commission
09:35-10:15 Challenges and opportunities in IoT and Healthcare Cybersecurity and Data Privacy: Insights from R&D projects
Secure management of IoT devices lifecycle through identities, trust and distributed ledgers: The ERATOSTHENES solution
Ntafloukas Konstantinos, Ph.D, Inlecom Innovation
ELECTRON Project tbc
10:15-11:30 The SECANT Solution: Presentation of Use Cases and Selected Live Demonstrations
Protecting the Connected Ambulance of the Future (Sergiu Marin, Polaris Medical)
Cybersecurity for Connected Medical Devices & Mobile App (Sokratis Nifakos, Karolinska Institutet)
Health Data Protection in Healthcare Supply Chain (Alix González, TIC Salut Social)
Cyber Security Training (Bruno Vidalenc, THALES, and Orestis Mavropoulos, CLS)
11:30 – 12:00 Open Discussion – Feedback from participants
12:00 Closing
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020
Research and Innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101019645.
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