The following seven measurable Objectives have been identified for SECANT.
Objective #1
To identify the user, technical and business requirements and design the architecture of a dynamic and highly flexible risk assessment platform for organizations.
Objective #2
To design and implement a dynamic, evidence-based, sophisticated security and privacy risk assessment framework that can deal with the cascading effects of cyber-attacks and with propagated vulnerabilities in interconnected complex ICT systems, services, and applications.
Objective #3
To design and implement a collaborative toolkit that allows the organization stakeholders and European CERTs/CSIRTs create and exchange dynamic vulnerability databases, as well as taxonomies for cyber-attacks targeting ICT systems, technologies, applications and services.
Objective #4
To design and implement a tailored data protection and multi-level accountability framework, relying on a distributed ledger system, that can establish trust, integrity and protect sensitive data.
Objective #5
To design and develop user interfacing applications and security training platforms with cyber range
capabilities that can enable all stakeholders of the organizations’ ecosystem to make smarter security
decisions with training and simulated social engineering.
Objective #6
To demonstrate and validate the integrated SECANT Platform across four realistic pilot demonstrators.
Objective #7
To ensure wide communication and scientific dissemination of the SECANT results to the research, academic, and professional community, efficient exploitation and business planning of the SECANT concepts and solutions to the market, and contribution of specific project results to relevant standardization bodies.
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020
Research and Innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101019645.
The content of this website reflects the Secant consortium view and the European Commission (or its delegated Agency INEA) is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains