Use Case #1


Protecting the connected ambulance of the future
Aim: To validate SECANT’s ability to improve transportation safety and ensure zero-error delivery of patients transported using time-constraint Emergency Medical Services (EMS), as presented in Figure 1-7.

Scenario to be demonstrated: Today’s connectivity promises to revolutionize time-constraint emergency medical
services by harnessing logistic information to improve transportation safety and ensure zero-error patient delivery.
Juan from Barcelona was infected with COVID-19 while being in Romania and is in a critical condition. He has to
be transported to the hospital immediately. Information about the health status of Juan has been accurately and
truthfully communicated to the hospitals’ EMS provider, who decides what is the right transportation route for the
ambulance to reach the hospital. However, what he and the hospital have not taken into account is that a malware
campaign, initiated by a highly skilled group of cybercriminals, has infected the communication systems of the EMS
provider. Aiming for highly disruptive results to the ambulance services, the malware is able to manipulate logistic
information, the name of the patient and the address, thus leading to a completely wrong routing plan, which directs
the ambulance to the wrong place. After resorting to offline methods and local knowledge, the ambulance arrives at
the correct destination, but with significant delay, having missed the “golden hour”, where the chances of recovery
for Juan are the highest.

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020
Research and Innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101019645.


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