Use Case #3
Health data protection in the healthcare supply chain
Aim: To validate the capabilities of SECANT to ensure privacy, data protection and accountability when operational
data is being exchanged within the healthcare supply chain.
Scenario to be demonstrated: Scenario to be demonstrated: As Polaris Hospital is part of a national network of hospitals with medical services
provided within the Romanian national health system and consequently the use of integrated health insurance
technologies is mandatory. Its IT provisions include access to an Integrated Information System, Information System
for the Electronic Prescription, Health Insurance National Card, and an Electronic Health Record System. POLARIS
needs the medical record of the patient from Barcelona to acquire all the information about their medical condition.
With their partner TIC Salut Social, they exchange medical data through a dedicated VPN tunnel as illustrated in Figure 1-9. POLARIS’s own systems are sufficiently protected against common security threats and they take sufficient measures
to protect the information in transit to their partner.

However, they
cannot guarantee what their partner
does with the data. A disgruntled
former employee at their partner
facility still has access to the VPN
link because their employer never
revoked it when they were laid off.
As a result, they decided to get
hold of medical data sent over from
POLARIS and publish them to
tarnish the reputation of the TIC
Salut in the sector, which would be
disastrous for their business.
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020
Research and Innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101019645.
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