Use Case #4
Cyber Security Training
Aim:To validate the capabilities of SECANT’s cyber security training modules and critical infrastructure cyber range.
Scenario to be demonstrated: Scenario to be demonstrated: As depicted in Figure 1-10 The PUC will test and evaluate extensively the Cyber
Security Training Module of the SECANT platform with three different categories of people in THALES, having
different backgrounds and expertise in cyber security, namely (i) security experts, (ii) other professionals and (iii)
clients. For non-technical experts, the evaluation will relate to their perception of user friendliness and ease of use of
the interface of the “Security Awareness Training Platform” and on the explanations to understand the basics of
cyber-security to be tested via situational exercises on the Cyber Range platform. For technical experts, multiple complex situations targeting complex ICT systems will be recreated on the Cyber Range (including the actual IT
infrastructure under test, the possible threats and attack vectors as well as the SECANT Dashboard, App and Chatbot).

The evaluation will be based on the perceived similarity between the proposed scenario and the real environment and
on the soundness of the proposed technical content. This PUC aims at verifying the quality of the overall training
module, its training material as well as the educational standards in terms of user perception. This represents a key
result in terms of future public impact and a key feedback for the improvement of the SECANT platform.
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020
Research and Innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101019645.
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