

The overall work of SECANT has been organized into eight Work Packages (WPs). Project management activities have been concentrated into a separate work package, WP1 (Project Management), which will run throughout the entire duration of the project. The dissemination, communication, and exploitation activities also constitute a distinct work package, WP8 (Dissemination, Communication and Exploitation of Results), which will also be active throughout the project.
The categorization of the remaining WPs follows the natural progress of the project. The first phase focuses on the requirements analysis, use case elaboration, high-level and detailed specifications as well as architectural characteristics of the system. This work is concentrated in WP2 (Requirements Analysis, Use Cases and Architecture Design). Following this phase, the research and innovation activities of SECANT are carried out in three work packages running almost in parallel, namely WP3 (Cyber Security Risk Assessment in Connected ICT Ecosystems, WP4 (Privacy, Data Protection, Accountability and Sharing), and WP5 (SECANT End-User Applications and Training). These WPs include most of the research and development of the project. Following this phase, the integration and piloting activities come next. In particular, WP6 (SECANT Platform Integration and Testing) includes the integration of the SECANT technologies into an operational cybersecurity platform for managing cyber risks in the healthcare supply chain, while WP7 (Demonstration and Evaluation) represents the realization of the SECANT demonstrations in the Pilot Use Cases (PUCs).

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020
Research and Innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101019645.


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