WP1 includes five tasks and is led by EVR.
The first WP provides the overall support for both management and administration of the entire project and for all partners-members of the SECANT consortium, following the setup of project management principles as contained in Project Management Institute’s (PMI), and Project Management Body of Knowledge’s (PMBOK) Guide. The overall objective of this WP is the implementation of a sound project and financial management plan including, reporting to the EC, ensuring delivery of SECANT results on time and within budget, and maintaining a high level of quality of the deliverables. The specific objectives of this WP are the following:
- Management of the project according to EU Grant Agreement (GA) provisions and conformingly to the GA;
coordination at consortium level of the activities of the project. - Managing the overall legal, contractual, financial and administrative aspects of the consortium.
- Monitoring of the overall technical coordination and progress of the project at all potential levels.
- Controlling and refining the objectives of the project, by taking care of quality assurance, performance management, and conflict resolution to ensure scientific excellence for all outputs and for the internal processes. Representation of the project and the consortium towards the EU Commission. Also liaising with other relevant projects both inside and outside the related specific EU domain.
- Representation of the project and the consortium towards external bodies and assemblies, and support of selected outcomes to these assemblies.
- Supporting of dissemination of information into conferences, journals, workshops and/or standardization, regulation bodies, as well as to any other potential channels.
- Managing an internal repository of the generated information and reports.
- Managing the ethical and legal aspects of the SECANT project.
WP2 includes four tasks and is led by CLS.
The main goal of this work package is to pursue the Objective 1 of the proposal. In accordance, its key objective is to provide the business-driven foundations to ensure a common functional and technical vision for the SECANT platform to address project’s application scenarios and requirements. End-users’ and stakeholders’ involvement within this WP is crucial, so their needs and preferences are taken into consideration during the whole project lifecycle. In summary, this work package has the following specific goals:
- Specify the system-level requirements in line with actors’ needs and technical constraints;
- Select and define the SECANT use cases that will drive the architecture definition;
- Specify the overall SECANT reference architecture as well as the technical specifications of the SECANT platform, and its individual components, modules and tools;
- Identify the SECANT innovations, requirements and means of validation (KPIs);
- Survey technology roadmaps and interact with related initiatives for exploiting synergies.
WP3 includes six tasks and is led by UBI.
The goal of this WP is to pursue the Objectives 2 and 3 of the proposal by designing and developing the components of the SECANT’s cyber security risk management framework as well as the collaborative toolkit for complex ICT infrastructures. In particular, in this work package the following components be developed:
- Interfaces and adapters to allow integration with legacy security systems;
- A platform for collecting and sharing threat intelligence in the domain of complex ICT infrastructures;
- Dynamic taxonomies for cyber-attacks to enrich the platform’s stored threat information;
- A connected ICT cyber risk assessment engine focused on detecting cascading effects and propagated
vulnerabilities in the ICT ecosystems; - A technical and human vulnerability assessment framework for the complex ICT infrastructures;
- An impact assessment tool of cyber incidents and threats lying on the complex ICT infrastructures.
WP4 includes four tasks and is led by IOTA.
The goal of this Work Package is to pursue the Objective 4 of the proposal by designing, implementing and deploying the data trust factory that will allow SECANT to bolster trust of patients and healthcare supply chain stakeholders when sharing health data and developing solutions. To achieve this, a DLT-based Trust and Accountability Module (TAM) will be designed and implemented. Main outcomes of this module will include identity of patients, practitioners, and medical devices; integrity of patients’ health data; inventory and certification of medical device security, integrity and provenance of their data. This will help minimize the risks associated with the misuse of personal data and thus re-establishing trust into this evolving research field. Protecting the privacy of patient personal data by developing cutting-edge privacy-preserving and encryption technologies will be key in this WP. The work package will receive functional and non-functional requirements and specifications from WP2 and WP3, and it will implement modules to be tested and integrated respectively in WP5 and WP6. The work package will follow a privacy-by-design approach, respecting the guidelines set on T1.5. The WP will organize its work along the following main objectives:
- Design and implementation of the DLT-based Trust and Accountability Module (TAM) and relevant tools;
- Research and development of decentralized digital identities (for individual and devices) to track access to personal data, share verifiable credentials, verify production and distribution of personalized medicines as well
as to check the integrity of data generated by medical devices and track device security and compliance; - Design of a GDPR-compliant integration of a Distributed Ledger with tools for integrity of sensitive data and IoT devices and proposition of a framework to assess their compliance;
- Definition and implementation of APIs, supported by the most popular medical devices, for collection and sharing of IoT device metadata using DLTs;
- Definition of standardized interfaces and implementation of corresponding APIs to allow integration of existing sensitive data platforms and tools with the TAM;
- Research and development of new encryption techniques and privacy-preserving querying tools to protect access and anonymity of client personal data.
WP5 includes four tasks and is led by THALES.
The main goal of this WP is to pursue the Objective 5 of the proposal. More specifically, this WP puts emphasis on the delivery of two user interfacing applications as well as on the creation of a training regime for raising the security awareness among the complex ICT infrastructures stakeholders. The output of this WP will be two discrete and skill-based security awareness training modules, one for non-technical end-users and another one for cyber security professionals working in the domain. In addition to the training modules, this WP will also deliver three discrete user interfacing applications, namely the SECANT app and Chatbot targeted at professionals and clients, and the SECANT dashboard targeted towards security professionals. Through those interfaces, the SECANT end users will have access to the platform’s functionalities as implemented by the modules developed in WP3 and WP4.
WP6 includes three tasks and is led by SIMAVI.
The main goal of this WP is to pursue part of the Objective 6 of the proposal by integrating the findings of WP3, WP4 and WP5 into an operational cyber security risk management platform for connected ICT ecosystems. In summary, this WP has the following goals:
- Define an integration and testing plan that will be used in the project to create the integrated SECANT platform.
- Setup the Continuous Integration/Continuous Development (CI/CD) environment.
- Integrate all software components developed within WP3, WP4 and WP5 to release the SECANT platform in two major releases, following the defined architecture and design specifications.
- Technically test the integrated platform at different levels, units, bilateral and end-to-end integration tests, and functional workflows, to verify its correct system-level operation and functionality according to predefined technical testing plan, ensuring the quality of the produced integrated platform.
WP7 includes five tasks and is led by KI.
The key objective of this WP is to pursue the impact-making Objective 6 of the proposal by demonstrating the integrated SECANT platform in five different project use cases The ultimate goal is to prove the applicability, usability, effectiveness and value of the SECANT concepts, models and methods in industrial, real-life infrastructures, services and applications. this WP will follow a concrete methodology to assess the KPIs defined in Task2.1, both from a technical and a users’ point of view. Furthermore, this WP targets the design of the roadmap for the adoption and evolution of the SECANT platform. All demonstration evaluation results and reports from the endusers will provide feedback to the SECANT consortium so as to update the functionality of the SECANT tools & platform. Overall, the goal of WP7 is to:
- Demonstrate the developed SECANT solutions in realistic pilot use cases and conditions.
- Define the evaluation framework of the SECANT demonstrators considering the guidelines set out in Task 1.5.
- Deploy of the SECANT solutions on the envisaged applications scenarios.
- Validate and evaluate the performance of the envisioned improvements in the testing environments.
- Create “lessons-learnt” and adoption guidelines for the deployment of SECANT in healthcare settings.
WP8 includes four tasks and is led by 8BELLS.
WP8 will pursue the Objective 7 of the proposal and will focus on the development and execution of viable plans (that will be reviewed and updated regularly) for the SECANT dissemination, communication, and exploitation activities. WP8 envisages achieving high measurable impact of the project results and ultimately lead to a successful adoption of the SECANT’s disruptive capabilities and innovative features. Towards this direction, the business perspectives of the proposed solution will also be investigated. WP8 targets to the following objectives:
- Tailored and interactive communication outreach and dissemination of the SECANT results towards the various stakeholders, integrating their feedback at key points of the project development.
- High impact-driven exploitation of the project results prioritizing contributions for adoption of the SECANT technological components and solutions into future related standards and innovative products.
- Mapping of the technological roadmap into new business models based on market evaluation.
- Development of a standardization strategy in SECANT by identifying the key exploitable results that can impact the standardization and by preparing a concrete plan to submit contributions to relevant SDOs.
- Close collaboration with standardization bodies, towards transforming the SECANT approach to an EU wide blueprint for the implementation of cyber security risk management practices.
- Maximization of the SECANT impact in the healthcare community and broader by establishing and engaging
external groups (third parties) in the validation, evaluation, and wider use of the project’s results. The outcomes will comprise dissemination, communication, standardization and exploitation activities throughout the project lifetime and beyond.
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020
Research and Innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101019645.
The content of this website reflects the Smart5Grid consortium view and the European Commission (or its delegated Agency INEA) is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains